Used Equipment Sales
Canoes, Kayaks, SUPs, and Camping Gear

If you are in the market for a kayak or canoe, we carry new and used boats , along with paddles, pfd's, leashes, spray skirts, bilge pumps, and paddle floats.
At the end (and sometimes during) each season, we sell our used equipment. You can find bargains on sleeping bags, pads, tents, stoves, tables, chairs, coolers, etc. We have just about everything you need to outfit your entire adventure.​
Appointments work best, so we can make sure the boats are clean, pulled off the racks, and ready for you to sit in. When you are ready, give us a ring and we can show you around the fleet.
When you purchase a new or used kayak or canoe from us, you'll receive 10% off any accessories in our retail store.
We are located on the South side of Boulder City Pkwy (HWY 93) in Boulder City, NV. Our retail shop is located in Red Mountain Plaza, adjacent to the Rebel Gas Station. If you feel like some authentic mexican food, Mariano's Taco Shop is next door. Mmmmm.
Desert Adventures
1647 Boulder City Pkwy, Ste A
Boulder City, NV 89005
Phone: 702-293-5026
Fax: 702-293-4507
Hours Summer: 8AM-6PM Daily
Hours Winter: 10AM-4PM Daily
Email: info@desert-adventures.com