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Sai Guminski

Reservation Specialist/Guide


Tallahassee, Florida



Favorite Trip:

Black Canyon

Sai was born and raised in Florida. As a child he suffered from epilepsy and an unstable home environment. His parents divorced, his dad was in prison and his family lived pay check to pay check. He was fortunate enough to make it through by leaning on his close friends at the time.

Sai has had his fair share of hardships from an early age. The hardest thing he’s ever experienced was homelessness. But he doesn’t let that define him. “Never give up” he says. Even when homeless, he never gave up.

The two people who have had the biggest impact on him would be his fiancé Toz and fiancé’s brother Dillon.
“Toz is an extremely hard worker. He’s the reason I’m the person I am today. And Dillon is an incredible and bright person.”

His love of the outdoors is more of a recent discovery —though he has some fond memories of riding bikes, and playing in his backyard as a child. But through our elaborate field training and wilderness certifications he’s gained a new appreciation of the outdoors.

He likes working at Desert Adventures because he gets to meet different types of people and learn new kayaking skills. He’s also very interested in Nevada history and landmarks and hopes to see every single one someday.

In his free time, he likes play video games, read comics and hopes to spend more time reading books. But he especially loves drawing and sketching. You can catch some of his artwork on our A-frame chalkboard sign outside our shop!

When asked what would be the one thing he could teach a child, he said “Adults make mistakes. They’re just people trying to figure things out too. We’re all humans after all.”

His perfect day off would consist of playing video games with Toz, going to museums and exploring Nevada.

Sai Guminski


Kayaking, hiking


CPR/AED, First Aid, Wilderness First Aid, Epi-Pen Administration, Leave No Trace


First Job: Arby’s
Favorite Candy: Three Musketeers and anything sour
Favorite Outdoor Gear: UV protected clothing
Tent camping or under the stars: Tent
Bucket list: To see every landmark and museum in Nevada
Podcast: Nightvale
Favorite Holiday/Season: Halloween, fall and winter
Favorite Hiking Shoes: Wolverine
Favorite Camping Game: Uno, Cards Against Humanity
Musical Instrument: Viola

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